Essential Question: How can technology and visual literacy connect with key ideas in writing while engaging students with 21st century skills?
Guest: Kerri Mahoney of the College of William and Mary
Tips of the Week:
David- Knowmia is a clearinghouse of tutorials across all disciplines for high school students. Like Khan Academy and doing a search on YouTube, it offers support and enrichment opportunities for self-directed students. Students just need to use their information and media literacies to compare and evaluate the sources they draw from. Mark- I’m a big proponent of project-based learning (PBL), but have always struggled with the assessment piece. I came across a great article from Edutopia called Practical PBL: The Ongoing Challenge of Assessment. The author, Katie Piper raises some good issues and provides some good ideas to think about. Get more information about Kerri’s multimedia essays at the site she created. Kerri's site on Multimedia Essays- not only see examples of student essays but get further information on how to implement this instructional strategy in your classroom. Next Show- Mark shares about using Universal Design for Learning (UDL) in one’s teaching and how he helps his pre-service teachers use it in their lesson design work.