Show 70: Educational Leadership article “When Change Has Legs” with Jim Reese

Guiding Question drawn from the article:

“What determines whether a change effort will eventually fizzle out or whether it will survive and thrive?”

Article Link- "When Change has Legs: Four key factors help determine whether change efforts will be sustained over time"

Tips of the Week:

Jim- Future Wise: Educating Our Children for a Changing World by Dr. David Perkins and Creating Cultures of Thinking by Dr. Ron Ritchhart.

David- Washington Post article on Jeb Bush’s educational foundation. Not looking at the politics or motivations of Mr. Bush or the companies that support his foundation, I am hoping for at least a couple very important outcomes from his potential running for president. One is that his support of the Common Core would bring out real discussion and debate. So much of what is in the news media are surface responses. This could be real opportunity for a national learning opportunity about how and what we want to see happening in our schools. A second hopeful outcome to be included in the discussion is to bring to light the nature of digital learning especially in the form of blended to virtual learning. The greater population would benefit from learning more about the benefits of digital information, tools and the shift to more student empowered learning.

Show 68: Comparing the Workspaces of Googlers and Softies

Guiding Question: How do Google and Microsoft design their workspaces to promote creativity and collaboration?

Tips of the Week:

Mark: I recently came across a nice resource from the University of Wisconsin’s Teaching and Learning Excellence group on blended learning. The guide helps a designer think the the implications of different approaches to learning (e.g., behaviorism, cognitivism, constructivism) for blended and online learning. The guide also provides key considerations for different elements of blended learning from the students’ perspective. While not comprehensive, it does offer some great points to consider in designing blended learning experiences.

Jeff: OMG Chrome Google+ to find communities as in Google Education Groups by state and region, news, extensions, etc.

David: For the higher education portion of what we cover on the podcast, a college professor recently wrote a piece for the WP explaining how this coming semester he would not allow laptops into his lectures. There was a huge response via comments including a letter to the editor that I found in today’s Washington Post.  

COETAILcast #20 and EdTech Co-Op podcast Show 65: Personalizing PD to provide insights and tips on setting up one’s PLN and how to help schools guide teachers to take steps to further personalize their learning.

In reviewing the past year and in preparing an article for 2015, I realized that I had not shared an article that Mark, my wife Margaret and I had written. As we speak so often on the podcast about TPACK and our Information and Communication Literacies (ICL) approach to TPACK, I hope that the article might further paint the picture of taking the theory of TPACK to what it can look like in a K-12 setting. The article is entitled Using TPACK to Guide a 1:1 iPad Pilot and it is published online at THE Journal.

Show 66: Thinking Routine- 321 Bridge


Making Thinking Visible book

RAT model for technology integration

eBooks: Student-created electronic books using various apps

See previous descriptions for more details in using the following technologies:


-Mind Maps


-Whiteboard apps

-Art apps

-Podcasts/Audio recording apps

Digital Media:  

Britannica ImageQuest (need password), Creative Commons Search, Flickr, British Museum History of the World in 100 Objects,

YouTube, Flickr, Web search for media representation of lesson topics

Show 65: Personalizing PD

Guiding Question: What steps can be taken to help teachers personalize their learning and how to help schools build a culture of learning for their teachers and students that connects to people outside of the school?

Tips of the Week:


Jeff recently shared via Flipboard a Forbes article on rethinking how we use technology in schools. The author points out that technology of often used not to support innovative instructional strategies but to reinforce traditional direct instruction content delivery. It says a great deal when so much of what we have been hearing in the blogosphere for so many years makes it to the mainstream press. Hopefully this is a good sign as educators, administrators and parents think about how they spend funds on technology without first shifting the way teachers teach and students learn.


Show 63: UDL to Support All Learners

Guiding Question: How to bring UDL into your teaching practice?

Previous shows referenced in this show

Show 21 with Kerri Mahoney on Multimedia Essays

Show 22 on UDL

Tips of the Week:

Mark- Digital UDL inspired book… UDL Theory to Practice (free version is online).  How to operationalize these principles. Einstein’s Big Idea-- documentary on NOVA. The Sketchbook Handbook.

David- Wes Fryer’s work with visual notetaking. Check out his Mapping Media to the Curriculum site with a specific section on visual notetaking.

Show 62: Going 1:1 and Making the Shift with Vinnie Vrotny

Guiding Question:

How to make the shift with a well-planned 1:1 program?


Vinnie Vrotny blogs at Multi-Faceted Reflections

Tips of the Week:

Vinnie- Grant Wiggins: A Veteran Teacher Turned Coach...

David- David Perkins and Jim Reese of Project Zero wrote an excellent article on leadership in schools where they provide guidelines for how to make change sustainable. The article is When Change Has Legs.

Show 61: Thinking Routines- Think | Puzzle | Explore

Resources Mentioned in this Show:

Making Thinking Visible book

RAT model for technology integration

Google Docs

Screencasting: Explain Everything or Educreations

Digital Note Sharing with Digtial “Sticky Notes”: Padlet, Lino app

Shareable Online Mind Maps: Mindmeister

Blogging & LMS

Not easily shareable Mind Maps: Inspiration on computer, multiple apps on tablets.